VII, 35.
wife's brother and maternal uncle, a brother, a friend, and a son-in-law are inadmissible witnesses in all disputes.
30. Persons addicted to adultery or to drinking, gamblers, those who calumniate everybody, the insane, the suffering, violent persons, and unbelievers cannot act as witnesses.
31. If a witness being summoned does not make his appearance, without being ill, he should be made to pay the debt and a fine, after the lapse of three fortnights.
32. Where the contents of the plaint have been fully corroborated by the witnesses, it is (valid) testimony; in every other case (the plaintiff) will not succeed with his claim.
33. When nothing less (than what has been declared in the plaint) is stated with regard to place, time, age, caste, number, matter, and quantity, the cause should be considered to have been proved.
34. Let him preserve, even by telling a lie, a Brahman who has once sinned through error and is in peril of his life and oppressed by rogues or other (enemies).
35. In a conflict between witnesses, (the testimony of) the majority should be received; when the number is equal (on both sides, the testimony of)
30. Vîram. p. 160.
31. Smritik. ähůto yas tu nâgakkhet sâkshi rogavivargitah Irinam damam ka dapyah syât tripaksbåt paratas tu sah 11
32. Smritik. yatra seshâh pratigfârthâh sâkshibhih praticarnitâh 1 sâkshyam syâd anyathả tu tam sâdhyârtham na samapnuyât il
33. May. p. 29.
34. Smritik. sakrit pramâdâparâdhivipram vyâpadi piditam | satadibhir vadhyamânam rakshed uktvânritâny api 11
35. Tod, sâkshidvaidhe prabhatâs tu grâhyâh sâmye gunâdhikâhı gunidvaidhe kriyayuktas tatsämye smritimattarâh II
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