1, 20.
supplied with grain, (decorated) with jewels, adorned with statues, pictures, and images of deities, and (provided) with fire and water.
20. Let the king try causes, attended by three judges, after having entered the excellent judicial assembly, in a sitting or standing posture.
21. The king having risen early in the morning and performed ablutions according to rule, and having shown due honour to Gurus (persons entitled to respect), astronomers, physicians, deities, Brahmans, and domestic priests,
22. And having saluted the Gurus and the rest, should enter the court-room, decorated with flowers, ornaments, and (fine) clothes, with a cheerful countenance.
23. Having entered the judicial assembly in the forenoon, together with the seniors, ministers, and attendants, he should try causes and should listen to (the expositions of) the Puranas, codes of law, and rules of polity.
24. Let the king or a member of a twice-born caste officiating as chief judge try causes, acting on principles of equity, and abiding by the opinion of the judges, and by the doctrine of the sacred law. stituted,' means 'constructed according to the rules of architecture.' Viram.
20. Smritik. râgâ kâryâni sampasyet sabhyair eva tribhir vritahı sabhâm eva pravisyâgryâm âsînah sthita eva vâ Il Nearly identical with Manu VIII, 10.
21, 22. Smritik. pratar utthaya nripatih saukam kritvå vidhanatah i gurûn gyotirvido vaidyân devân viprân purohitân il yathârham etân sampügya sapushpâbharanâmbarahi abhivadya ka gurvâdîn sumukhah praviset sabhâm il
23. May. p. 5.
24. Smritik. râgâ kâryâni sampasyet prâdvivâkosthavâ dvigahı nyâyângâny agratah kritvâ sabhyasâstramate sthitah 11
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