VII, 20.
20. When a quarrel has arisen between prostitutes and the lovers frequenting their house, the principal prostitutes and the lovers shall decide the dispute in common.
21. If other persons (than the neighbours) should give false evidence in a dispute concerning land, such low persons shall be condemned to pay the first fine each in his turn.
22. A boundary is declared to be of five sorts, as it may be either marked by signs (such as trees), or by water (of a river), or by articles deposited underground, or subject to no quarrel (being determined by consent of both parties), or fixed by royal command.
23. After having traced those (robbers) with the aid of able spies acquainted with their habits, he shall avoid frightening them, and shall cause them to be arrested by officials secretly set upon them.
24. It is not from the air, from the sky, from the sea, or from other (such parts) that robbers will come; therefore one should act thus.
25. (The king) shall endeavour to inveigle (thieves and robbers) through cunning spies who are anxious to catch thieves. Other skilful and reliable persons also, artful talkers and former thieves, shall (be appointed to detect the thieves.
26. By giving them wealth and valuable presents, 20. Viv. p. 102; Col. Dig. III, 1, 98; Ratn. p. 167.
21. Vîram. p. 459; Ratn. p. 212. Other persons,' i.e. hunters, foresters, and so forth. This text comes in between Närada XI, 7 and 8.
22. Ratn. p. 214; Vîram. p. 452. 23. Ratn. p. 292.
24. Ratn. p. 335. This text should come in immediately after Narada XIV, 25.
25-29. Ratn. p. 337. Read kauryâpadesais ka in 26.
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