XVIII, 11.
has been omitted in the preceding (titles of law), are treated under the head of Miscellaneous.
5. The king shall be careful to protect all orders and the constituent elements of his state with the four means indicated by science.
6. When any caste should remain (behind the rest) or exceed the limits (assigned to it, the king), seeing that it has strayed from its path, shall bring it back to the path (of duty).
7. So also, when other wicked acts, opposed to the dictates of the sacred law, have been committed, the king, after having reflected (upon the matter) himself, shall inflict punishment on those who deserve it.
8. What is opposed to revealed and traditional law, or injurious to living beings, must not be practised by the king; and when it is practised (by others), he must check it.
*9. When an act contrary to justice has been undertaken by a former king from folly, he must redress that iniquitous enactment in accordance with the principles of equity.
*10. The weapons of soldiers, the tools of artizans, the ornaments of public women, the various musical or other instruments of professional (musicians, or other artists, &c.),
*11. And any implements by which artificers gain
5. The four means' of conciliation, division, bribery, and force. Manu VIII, 41.
6. Ya gñavalkya I, 360. The Nepalese MS. offers a variation as regards the arrangement of paragraphs 6-11.
7. Manu VII, 16 ; VIII, 126; Yâgñavalkya I, 367; Vasishtha XIX, 8; Vishnu III, 37.
10. For 'the tools of artizans' the Nepalese MS., in common with the Mitakshara, has the beasts of burden and the like of carriers of goods.'
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