XI, 33.
of one that has recently calved, and of one unmanageable.
33. (As also to the owner of) one that has lost her way, or broken down, or stuck in marshy ground), or (of) a bull marked with the sign of consecration. Four times (the amount of the damage done) is declared (to be the fine) in the case of (a cow) whose nostrils have been pierced and who abides in the field.
* 34. When the cattle lie down in the field (after grazing), the fine to be inflicted shall be double; when they remain in the field for the night), it shall be four times (the ordinary amount); when they graze in the sight (of the keeper), that man shall be punished even as a thief.
* 35. When cows, straying through the fault of
33. The genuineness of this paragraph appears doubtful, because some of the propositions contained in it are nearly identical with the rules laid down in the paragraphs immediately preceding and following it. Besides, the language of this paragraph is obscure, and it is not given in any commentary nor in the Nepalese MS. The solemn ceremony of setting a bull at liberty and consecrating him to the gods, with a mark on each flank, is described by Vishnu, chapter LXXXVI, and in the Grihya-sâtras. Piercing the nostrils of a barren cow is mentioned as an offence by Manu VIII, 325. It does not become clear why damage done by a cow of this sort should be a greater offence than damage done by an ordinary cow.
34. When they lie down in the field,' after having eaten their fill. When they remain,' when they spend the night in the field, after grazing. Vivadakintamani, Gagannatha, &c. In the sight of the keeper:' thus according to Gagannatha (Colebrooke's Digest, III, 4, 46). The correctness of his interpretation is confirmed by Yagñavalkya II, 162. According to the Vivadakintamani (p. 67), the meaning is this, that the cattle are allowed to graze by the keeper, in the sight of the proprietor of the field, and in spite of the remonstrances of the latter. Vishnu V, 145; Yagñavalkya II, 160, 162.
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