sasi, I, 170, 2.-abhí gíghâmsati, he tries to hurt us, VII, 59, 8.áva hantana, strike down, II, 34, 9.-út gighnante, they stir up, I, 64, 11.-párâ hathá, you overthrow, I, 39, 3; párá-hatâ, staggering, V, 56, 3.-sám bánanta, they fight together for (Loc.), VII, 56, 22.
hánu, jaw:
hánvâ-iva, I, 168, 5'. hánman, bolt:
hánmanâ, VII, 59, 81. hayé, hark!
V, 57, 8; 58, 8.
hári, bay:
hárî, the two bays (of Indra), I, 6, 2; 165, 4; hárî vrishanâ, the bay stallions, (139); sáptî hárî, (1, 85, 1'); hári (of the Maruts), V, 56, 6.-hári with synizesis, p. cxxiii.
hari-vat, with bay-horses: hari-vab, I, 165, 3; 167, 1. hári-sipra, golden-jawed (or -helmeted):
(II, 34, 33.) harmura:
(217, note b.)
harmyá, fire-pit, hearth, house: (218 seqq.)-harmy, living in houses, 1, 166, 4°. harmye-stha:
harmye-sthab, standing by the hearth, (217); VII, 56, 16. hary, to be pleased with (Acc.): haryata, V, 54, 15.-práti haryate,
it is acceptable, V, 57, 1; práti haryanti, they yearn for me, I, 165, 4 haryatá, delicious: (147 seq.) háva, call:
hávam, I, 86, 2; V, 87, 8; 9; VIII, 7,9; I, 114, 11; 1, 2, 1. hávana, invocation:
hávanâni, V, 56, 2.
havana-srút, mindful of invocations:
havana-srút, II, 33, 15.
havás, call, prayer:
havásâ, 1, 64, 12'; VI, 66, 11. havib-krít, sacrificer:
havib-krítam, I, 166, 2. havíshmat, carrying oblations: havíshmân, I, 167, 6; havíshmantab, X, 77, 1; I, 114, 8.
havís, sacrifice: havíb, VII, 59, 9; I, 114, 3; havíshâ, X, 121, 1 to 9; I, 166,3; X, 168, 4; havíshab, V, 60, 6; havĭmshi, I, 170, 5; VII, 57, 6 ; havíb-bhib, II, 33, 5. hávîman, invocation:
hávîman, VII, 56, 15; hávimabhib, II, 33, 5. hávya, called to assist: hávyab, VIII, 20, 201. havyá, offering, libation:
havya, I, 171, 4; VII, 56, 12; 59, 5; VIII, 20, 9; 10; 16. havya-dâti, offering:
havyá-dâtim, V, 55, 10. has, to laugh:
gaksh from has, (284.) hásta, hand:
hástab (bheshagáb gálâshab), II, 33, 71; háste bíbhrat bheshaga, I, 114, 5; hástayob, I, 38, 1; hásteshu, I, 37, 3; 168, 3. hastín, elephant:
hastínab, I, 64, 72. hâ, to flee:
gfhita, I, 37, 7'; dyaub gfhite brihát, the sky makes wide room, VIII, 20, 6.-ápa ahâsata, út ahâsata, (VIII, 7, 21.)ní gihate, they bend down, V, 57, 3; 60, a; VIII, 7, 34; ahasata, they have gone down, VIII, 7, 2'.-prá gihîte, flies out of your way, I, 166, 5. hâ, to forsake, to leave behind: ágahâtana, VIII, 7, 31; hitva, V,
53, 14.
hâridra, yellow:
hí, indeed, truly, for...:
kit hí, VII, 59,7; hí kam, VII, 59, 5; vidmá hí, 1, 170, 3; VIII, 20, 3.
hi, to prepare :
hinomi, VII, 56, 12.
hims, to hurt :
ma nab himsît, X, 121, 9. hitá, friend:
hitab-iva, I, 166, 3; hitá, kind,= sú-dhita, (225.)
hiny, to rouse :
hinvantu, II, 34, 12.
himávat, the snowy mountain: himávantab, X, 121, 4; (p. 4.) hímâ, winter:
satám hímâb, during a hundred
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