sadhryák, together :
sadhryãikab, V, 60, 3. san, to gain : sánat, V, 61, 5; sánita, VII, 56,
23. sanat, always :
VII, 56, 5; X, 78, 8. sa-nâbhi, holding together :
sa-nâbhayab, X, 78, 4. saní, luck:
sanim, II, 34, 7%. sá-nila, dwelling in the same nest: sá-nilab, I, 165, 1; VII, 56, 1;
p. xiv. sanutár, far:
V, 87, 8; X, 77, 6. sánemi, entirely:
VII, 56, 9. sap, to follow, to attend on, to wor-
ship: (1, 85, 1'.) sapatnî:
(129.) sapary, to serve :
saparyati, VIII, 7, 20. saptă-gihva, seven-tongued :
sapta-gihvab (váhnayab), (39.) sapta-tantu, having seven threads
(the sacrifice) : (253.) saptán, seven : sapta saptá sâkinab, the seven and
seven heroes, V, 52, 17'; saptá rátnâ, the seven treasures, VI,
74, I. sápti, horse, yoke-fellow : sáptayah, 1, 85, 11; 6; saptayab,
VIII, 20, 23; sápti, the middle
horse, (1, 39, 6'.) sa-práthas, wide-spreading :
sa-práthab, VIII, 20, 13. sapsara, fed :
sapsarasab, I, 168, 9. sabab-dugha, juice-yielding:
sabah-dugha, I, 134, 49 sá-bandhu, kinsman: sá-bandhavab, V, 59, 5'; VIII, 20,
211. sabar, juice, milk, water:
(1, 134, 4.) sa-badh, companion :
sa-badhab, I, 64, 8. sá-bharas, toiling together :
sa-bharasab, V, 54, 10. sabha, assembly, court:
sabha-vat, courtly:
sabha-vati, I, 167, 39. sabha-sahá, strong in the assembly:
(276.) sabbéya, courtly, polite :
(276.) sám, prep., with ...:
1, 64, 8; 167, 3. samá, like, worth as much :
samáb (read sama ?), V, 61, 87. sámana, feast :
sámanam ná yóshåb, X, 168, 28. samanã, together :
1, 168, 1. sa-mangú, pl., friends of one mind : sa-manyavab, II, 34, 3; 5; 6;
VIII, 20,1; 21; confidants (of
Vishnu), V, 87, 8. samaya, at once :
1, 166, 9'. sam-árana, battle:
sam-árane, I, 170, 2. sam-arând, see ri. sa-marya, battle:
sa-maryé, I, 167, 10. samaba, well:
V, 53, 15. samâná, common, equal : samânám, VI, 66, 1; VII, 57, 3;
VIII, 20, 11; samânásmât, v, 87, 4; samânébhib, I, 165, 7;
fem. samânî, (1, 165, 1.) samâna-varkas, of equal splendour:
samâna-varkasa, 1, 6, 7. samânya, all equally:
1, 165, 11. sám-ukshita, see vaksh. samudra, sea : samudrám, X, 121, 4; (arnavám),
1, 19,7; 8; samudrásya, I, 167, 2; samudratáb, V, 55, 5; samudréshu, VIII, 20, 25.-samudrs, welkin, (58); confluvies,(61);
adj. watery, flowing, (61 seq.) sám-riti :
(1, 64, 13'.) sám-okas, surrounded :
sám-okasab, I, 64, 10. sam-karénga, see abhisam-karénya. sam-dris, sight: sam-drísi sthána, you are to be
seen, V, 87, 6; süryasya samdrisab, from the sight of the
sun, II, 33, 1. sám-misla, united, endowed with:
sám-mislâsab (c. Instr.), I, 64, 10;
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