gásya (mårutasya), VIII, 20, 23;
bheshagébhib, II, 33, 3; 4. bhoga, liberal :
bhogán, V, 33, 16. bhrag, to shine : bhrágante, VII, 57, 3; ábhragi,
V, 54, 6.-ví bhrágante, I, 85, 4; VIII, 20, 11; vi-bhrógate
(for vi-bhrágante), V, 61, 121. bhragat-rishti, with brilliant spears : bbrágat-rishtayab, I, 64, 11; 87,
3; 168, 4; II, 34, 5; V, 55, 1; X, 78, 7; bhrágat-rishtim, VI,
66, II. bhrágat-ganman, flame-born:
bhrágat-ganmânab, VI, 66, 10. bhrágas, splendour:
bhrágasà, X, 78, 3. bhràtri, brother: bhratarab, I, 170,2; V, 60,5; bhra
tab, 1, 170, 3; bhràta, X, 186, 3. bhràtri-tvá, brotherhood:
bhràtri-tvám, VIII, 20, 22'. bhrúmi : bhrúmim for bhrímim, (298); (II,
34, 1o.) mamhánâ, in magnificence:
V, 61, 1o. makshú, quickly: 1, 39, 7; (II, 34, 12'); VI, 66, 5;
VII, 56, 15; 1, 2, 6; soon, 1,
64, 15. makha, adj., strong, brisk : (46 seq.); makhåb, I, 64, 11; makhébbyab, champions, VI,
66, 9. makhá, sacrifice : makhasya dâváne, for the offering
of the sacrifice, VIII, 7, 271; , 134, 1; (47.)-makhab, sacri
ficer (?), 1, 6, 8!. maghá, wealth:
maghầni, VII, 57, 6. maghă-vat, mighty, lord: maghá-vi, V, 61, 19; magha-van,
I, 165, 9; maghávat-bhyab, VII, 58, 3; II, 33, 14; maghávat-su, I, 64, 14; maghonâm, VII, 58, 6; VIII, 94, 1.-maghá-vâ, Ma
ghavat (Indra), 1, 171, 3. magmán, strength:
magmana, 1, 64, 3. matí, thought; prayer: iyám matib, this prayer, V, 57, T;
imab matib, 1, 114, 1'; matayab,
1, 165, 4'; V, 87, 1; matinam, prayers, 1, 86,21.-yáthâ matím, after their own mind, 1, 6, 6*; sváyâ matya, their own will, V,
58,5.-mati, thoughts, I, 165,1. mad, pron....: me, they are mine, 1,165,4; ahám,
I, 171, !; 4. mad, to rejoice: mádanti (c. Loc.), 1,85, 1; V, 61,
14; (c. Acc.), V, 52,"; mádatha, V,54, 10; VIII, 7, 20; mádanti, V, 36, 3'; mádantab, VII, 59,7; svadháyâ mádantam, (34); matsati, may he rejoice in (Gen.), VIII, 94, 6; mâdayâdhvai, 1, 37, 14; VII, 59, 6; madáyadhvam (c. Gen.), 1, 85, 6; ma. dayadhyai, I, 167, 1.-pra madanti, thy delight, VII, 57, '.
See mand. máda, enjoying, rapture, Rausch,
feast : mádab, I, 86, 4; made, 1, 85,
10; V, 53, 3; VIII, 7, 13; mádeshu, I, 134, 5; mádâya, I,
37, 15; II, 34, 5.-(135.) mada-kyut, enrapturing: mada-kyútam, 1,85,79; (134 seqq.);
VIII, 7, 13. madira, delightful : madirám (madhu),V, 61,11; madi
rásya, the sweet juice, I, 166, 7. madhu, sweet juice, mead: mádbu, I, 19, 9; 166, 2; V, 61,
I; VIII, 7, 108; madhvab andhasab, sweet food, 1, 85, 6o; madhvab andhasa, with the juice of sweetness, V, 54, 88; for mádhvab read madhvád (), VII, 57, 1; madhob, II, 34, 5;
somye madhau, VII, 59, 6. madhu-ád, eating honey, fond of
honey: madhu-ád (conjecture for ma
dhvab), VII, 37, r. madhu-varna, honey-like:
madhu-varnam, I, 87, 2. madhyama, middle: madhyamé, in the middle (heaven),
V, 60, 6. man, to think, to perceive : manmahe, V, 52, 3; manyase, V,
56, 2; manvânáb, V, 52, 15; mamsase, (I, 6, 7°); manyamanab pársânâsab, thinking them
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