53, 6.
2, 3; dadâsushe, I, 166, 3; V, dub-stuti, bad praise :
dub-stuti, 11, 33, 4. dasvás, see dås.
dub-hána, difficult to be conquered ; das, to attack :
dub-hána, I, 38, 6. (V, 55, 5*.).
dub-hrinàyú, hateful : Diti and Aditi:
dub-hrinàyub, VII, 59, 8. (255 seq.)
dukkbunâ, monster: didrikshénya, to be yearned for : dukkbúnâ, VIII, 20, 4. didrikshényam, V, 55, 4.
dudhra, wild: didyú, flame
dudhráb (gaub), V, 56, 3. didyum, VII, 56, 9.-weapon, (1, dudhra-krit, making to reel : 6,89.)
dudhra-kritab, I, 64, 11. didyut, weapon, Indra's weapon or dur, door: thunderbolt :
durab, VII, 46, 2. didyut, lightning, I, 166, 6; shin- dúvas, worship:
ing thunderbolt, VII, 57, 4; dúvab, (1, 37, 14'); worship, sacriVII, 46, 3; (1, 6, 87.) - didyut fice, work, (204.)
(adhvarásya), flame, VI, 66, 10. duvás, worshipper: didhishú :
duvase, I, 165, 14'; (205); p. xix; didhishávab ná rathyab, like lords duvasab, 1, 168, 3.
of chariots on a suit, X, 78, 5. durasy, to care for, to attend : div (divyati), to throw forth, to duvasyat, he should help, I, 165, break forth, to shine :
14'; p. xix.--duvasyản, sacri(1, 6, 87.)
ficing, 1, 167, 6.—(203 seqq.) dív, see dyú.
duvasya, worthy of worship: dívishti, daily sacrifice :
(203; 105.) dívishrishu, 1, 86, 4.
dustára, invincible: divi-sprís, touching the sky:
dustáram, I, 64, 14; II, 34, 7. divi-sprík, X, 168, 1.
duh, to milk : divya, heavenly:
duhánti, I, 64,5; 62; dubub, 11, divyám kósam, V, 59, 8; divyásya 34, 10; duduhe (Udhak), VI, 66,
gánmanab, VII, 46, 2; divyani, 1; duhre, duhrate, I, 134, 6; 1, 64, 3; 5.--divyab-iva stri- dohate, , 134, 4; duduhré, bhib, heavens, I, 166, 11'; (1, VIII, 7, 10,-dhukshánta, they 87, ?.)
have drawn forth, VIII, 7, 3; dis, to display:
duhántab útsam, drawing the dédisate, VIII, 20, 6.
well, VIII, 7, 16.-níb duhré, dis, direction :
they have been brought forth, taya disa, this way, I, 85, 11.
VI, 66, 4.-See dohás. dirgbá, long:
dů, worshipper: dîrghám, 1, 37, 11; 166, 13.-Adv., dúvab, Nom. pl., 1, 37, 14'.
1, 166, 14; V, 54, 5; dîrghám důre-dris, visible from afar:
prithú, far and wide, V, 87, 7? dore-drisab, I, 166, 11; V, 59, dirgha-yasas, far-famed: dîrgha-yasase, V, 61, 9.
drilba, strong: dub-gá, stronghold:
drilba kit, 1, 64, 3; (VIII, 20, 1'); dub-gåni, V, 54, 4.
drilbäni kit, 1, 168, 4.-drilba, dub-dbártu, irresistible :
made fast, X, 121, 5'. dub-dhártavab, V, 87, 9.
dris, to see : dub-dhur, impatient of the yoke: drikshase, mayest thou be seen, I, dub-dhúrab, V, 56, 4.
6, 7'; drisl tvishé, to see the dub-matí, hatred:
light, V, 52, 12; drisé kám, dub-matib, VII, 56, 9; II, 33, that they may be seen, VIII, 14.
94, a. -Cf. didrikshénya. dub-máda, madman :
-dris, in yaksha-dris : durmadáb-iva, I, 39, 5.
(VII, 56, 16'.) 1 i 2
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