tmánâ, by their own might, X,
77, 3.
tyag, to push off, to drive away, then, to leave:
(270.) tyágas:
tyágasâ, in his scorn, I, 166, 12°; (267 seqq.); tyágas, leaving, forsaking, (267); attack, onslaught, (268 seqq.); weapon, (268.)
trâtrí, protector:
trâtarab, VII, 56, 22. tri, three:
tisráb kshápab, Acc., (1, 64, 83); trini sáramsi, three lakes, VIII, 7, 102.
trí-ambaka, see tryambaka. Tritá:
tritám, II, 34, 101; tritáb, II, 34, 14; V, 54, 2; tritásya, VIII, 7,
tyád, pron....:
tvíshi-mantab, VI, 66, 10.
88, 6.
etát tyát, I, 88, 5; esha sya, I, tveshá, terrible, fierce, blazing: tvesháb, V, 87, 5; tveshám, I, 38, 15; 168, 6; 9; V, 53, 10; 56, 9; 58, 2; 87, 6; VIII, 20, 13; I, 114, 4; 5; II, 33, 8; tveshásya, II, 33, 14; tveshab, I, 38, 7; VIII, 20, 7; tvesha, I, 168,
tri-dhatu, threefold:
tri-dhatûni, I, 85, 12. tri-vrít, threefold:
of the sacrifice, (VIII, 7, 11.) trís, thrice:
dvíb tríb, VI, 66, 2. tri-sadhasthá, dwelling in three abodes (Soma):
tri-sadhasthásya, VIII, 94. 5. tri-stubh, threefold:
tri-stubham ísham, the threefold draught, VIII, 7, 1'-tri-stubh ='Three-step,' p. xcvi.
trai, to protect:
trayadhve, V, 53, 15; VII, 59, 1. tryambaka, N. of Rudra:
tryambakam, VII, 59, 121.
tva, pron.:
två stry, some woman, V, 61, 6; (360.)
tvákshas, energy: tvákshâmsi, VIII,
20, 6. tvákshiyams, more vigorous : tvákshîyasâ váyasâ, II, 33, 6. tvad, pron. . .
kim te, what has happened to thee, yát te asmé, what thou hast against us, I, 165, 3.-túbhya for túbhyam, p. cxvii seq. Tváshtri:
tváshta, I, 85, 91.
tva-datta, given by thee: tva-dattebhib, II, 33, 2. tva-vat, like unto thee: tvā-vân, I, 165, 9.
tvish, to blaze, to flare up: átitvishanta, V, 54, 12; atvishanta, VIII, 94, 7.-(1, 37, 4.) tvísh, glare:
tvisha, X, 78, 6.-drisí tvishé, to see the light, V, 52, 121. tvíshi-mat, blazing:
tveshá-dyumna, endowed with terrible vigour : tveshá-dyumnâya, I, 37, 42. tveshá-pratîka, with terrible look: tveshá-pratîkâ, I, 167, 5.
tveshá-yâma, whose march is terrible:
tvesha-yâmâb, I, 166, 5.
tveshá-ratha, with blazing chariots: tveshá-rathab, V, 61, 13.
tveshá-samdris, terrible to behold: tveshá-samdrisab, I, 85, 8; V, 57, 5. tveshya, fire and fury:
tveshyena, VII, 58, 2. tsârín, hunter, watcher: tsârî, I, 134, 5'.
dasra from dams? (V, 55, 53.) damsána:
damsánaib, valiant deeds, I, 166, 13; damsánâ, by wonderful skill, V, 87, 8.
dámsu, δασυ :
dámsu, Nom. pl.? (I, 134, 4'.) dáksha, power: dáksham, X, 121, 8; I, 134, 2; dáksham apásam, I, 2, 9.Daksha and Aditi, (245 seqq.; 251.)
dáksha-pitri, father of strength: dáksha-pitarab, (247 seq.); daksha
pitarâ, (248.) dákshinâ, largess: dákshinâ, I, 168, 7.
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