apará, infinite:
aparáb, V, 87, 6. ápi, adv.:
even, II, 34, 10; also, X, 77, 7. ápi, prep. : api (bhQma, c. Loc.), under, VII,
57, 4. api-våta, approach, attention, regard :
(VII, 46, 3.) ápůrvya, incomparable: ápūrvyam, V, 56, 5; ápärvyab
prathamáb, as the first before
all others, I, 134, 6. apesas, without form:
apesáse, 1, 6, 3. áprati-skuta, irresistible:
áprati-skutab, V, 61, 13. ápra-sasta, infamous :
ápra-sastân, I, 167, 8. Apsaras :
(307; 308.) ábibhîvas, fearless : abibhyushâ, I, 6, 7; abibhyushab,
(1, 6, 19.) abda, cloud:
(V, 54, 3'.) abdã, wish to give water (*): abda-yd, wishing to give water, V,
54, 3 abdi-mát, with clouds:
(V, 54, 3'.) abhi, prep., to...: yáb karshanib abhí (bhuvab ?), who
surpasses all men, I, 86, 5'.- abhi dyún=ánu dydn, (1, 6, 87.)
-synizesis of abhí, p. cxxii. abhi-iti, assault:
abhi-itîb rápasab, II, 33, 3. abhi-għú, knee-deep:
1, 37, 10%. abhitas, all around:
abhitab mâ, VII, 59, 7. abhí-dyu, hastening, or, heaven-
directed. [It is doubtful which
is the right meaning): abhídyu-bhib, hasting, I, 6, 8%;
abhi-dyavab, hastening heaven ward, or, shining forth, VIII, 7, 25; 1,134, 2 (bis); X, 77, 3;
78, 4. abhi-mâtín, adversary:
abhi-mâtínam, 1, 85, 3. abhi-srî:
cf. ganasri, (V, 60, 8'.) abhíshti, victory:
abhishtaye, 11, 34, 14%.
abhishes, conqueror, victorious :
(II, 34, 14.) abhisam-karénya, to be approached,
accepted, consulted : abhisam-karényam, I, 170, 11. abhisamkârin, changeable:
(1, 170, 1'.) abhi-svartrí, intoning: abhi-svartärab arkám, intoning a
hymn of praise, X, 78, 4. abhi-hrut, assault, injury:
(I, 166, 87.) abhi-hruti, injury:
abhí-hruteb, 1, 166, 8!. ábhîru, fearless :
abhîravab, I, 87, 6. abhísu, rein, bridle:
abhỉsavab, I, 38, 121; V, 61, 2. abhok-hán, slayer of the demon :
abhok-hánab, 1, 64, 3. abhrá, cloud:
abhrát ná súryab, X, 77, 3. abhra-prush, cloud-shower:
abhra-prushab, X, 77, 17. abhriya, belonging to the cloud: abhríyâm văkam, the voice of the
clouds, I, 168, 8; abhriyâb vrishrayab, streams from clouds,
II, 34, 3!. ábhva, fiend : ábhvab, 1, 39, 81; vísvam ábhvam,
II, 33, 10°; abhvam, the dark
cloud, I, 168, 99. áma, onslaught: amab, V, 56, 3; amât, V, 59, 2;
ámâya vab yatave, VIII, 20,
6. amáti, impetus, power, light:
amátib, 1, 64, 9. ámadhyama: ámadhyamasab, among whom none
is the middle, V, 59, 6. Smartya, immortal:
Smartyâb, I, 168, 4. áma-vat, violent, impetuous : áma-vatî, I, 168, 7; áma-vat, V,
58, 1; ama-vân, V, 87, 5; amavat-su, VI, 66, 6; ama-vantab,
1, 38, 7; VIII, 20, 7. amåt, from near:
V, 53, 8? amita, infinite :
amitâb, V, 58, 2. ámiva, sickness :
amivåb, II, 33, 2; ámiva, VI, 74,
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