NOTES. Ascribed to Kanva Ghaura, and addressed to Rudra (1, 2,4-6), to Rudra and Mitra-Varunau (3), and to Soma (7-9). Metre, Gâyatri (1-8); Anushtubh (9). Verse 2 in TS. III, 4, 11, 2; MS. IV, 12, 6.
The hymn may be divided into two, the first from 1-6, the second from 7-9. See, however, Bergaigne, III, 32, n. 1; and Recherches sur l'hist. de la Samhita, I, 65. He would prefer to divide the whole into three hymns.
Verse 1. See TÅ. X, 17, 1; Delbrück, Synt. Forsch. I, 246.
Verse 2. Note 1. Ludwig takes Aditi here as a name of Rudra ; also Hillebrandt, Über die Göttin Aditi, p. 6.
Verse 3. Note 1. The visve sagóshasah, following on Rudra, can hardly be meant for any but the Maruts, who are often called sagóshasah. But it may also have been intended for all the gods together.
Verse 4. Note 1. Gåthápatim and medhápatim are both difficult. We expect gåthápatim and medhấpatim. If, as Ludwig maintains, gâtha in Zend is equivalent to ritu, season, then gâthapati might be ritupati, a name of Agni, X, 2, 1. But this is extremely doubtful. We must derive gâthápati from gâthă, I, 167, 6, and medhápati from medhă, animal sacrifice, till we know more on the subject.
Note 2. Gálasha-bheshagam, an epithet of Rudra ; see VIII, 29, 5, where Rudra is intended. In II, 33, 7, the arm of Rudra is called bheshagáh gáláshah ; in VII, 35, 6, Rudra himself is called gáláshah. Gálåsha seems connected with gala, water. Bergaigne, III, 32, translates it by adoucis
Note 8. On samyoh, see note 2 to I, 165, 4.
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