Byt. 3, aan; sl. 10,70; 13, Arezúr-bûm m., Bd. 12, 2, 16. Argåsp, king, Bd. 12, 32; Byt. 2,
49n; 3, 9. Aries, Bd. 2, 2; 5, 6; 7, 2; 25, 21;
SI. 21, 2. Aris, prince, Bd. 31, 25n. Ariz, fish, Bd. 14, 26; 18, 5; 24, 13. Armaiti, angel, Bd. 15, 6n. See
Spendarmad. Armenia, Bd. 20, 1on. Armèst, Sl. 2, (98n;) 6, 1. Armîn, prince, Bd. 31, 250. Arnig-bareda, woman, Bd. 32, 7 n. Arsaces I, Byt. 2, 19n. Arsacidans, int. 11. See Askânians. Arshisang, angel, Bd. 22, 4; 27,
24 n; Sl. 22, 25; 28, 4n. See
Ard. Artakhshatar son of Pâpak, Bd. 81,
30; Byt. 2, 18n; - the Kayân, Bd. 31, 30; 34, 8n. See Ar
dakhshír. Artaxerxes Longimanus, Bd. 34, 8n;
Byt. 2, 17 n. – Mnemon, Bd. 34, 8n; Byt. 2,
17n. - Ochus, Bd. 34, 8n. Arûm, land, Bd. 12, 16; 13, 15; 15,
29; 20, 1o; SI. 6, 7 n. Arvand r., Zs. 6, (20;) Byt. 3, 5, 21,
38. Arzah, region, Bd. 5, 8, 9; 11, 3;
29, 1; Byt. 3, 47. Asâm, man, Bd. 29, 5. Asbård r., Bd. 20, 20. Asbåsbagabad, man, Bd. 29, 1. Ashavahist, angel, Bd. 27, 34; 80,
29; Si. 11, 4. See Ardavahist. Ashåvanghu, man, Bd. 29, in.
Asbavazd, man, Bd. 29, 6. Ashem - Ahurem - mazdãm ch., Si.
13, 5. Ashem-voha, Byt. 2, 59; SI. 3, 35;
4, 14; 5, 2, 5, 7; 10, 5n, 24, 35; 12, 21, 32; 13, 1; 19, 5;
text and trans., Bd. 20, 2. Ashovahist, man, Bd. 33, II. Asbózust, bird, Bd. 19, 19. Asia Minor, Bd. 18, 15n. Ask, king, Byt. 2, 19n. Askânians, Bd. 31, 3on; 84, 9; Byt.
2, 19. See Arsacidans. Askârûm nask, Sl. 10, 25 n. See
Åsmân, angel, Bd. 27, 24; Sl. 22,
27; 23, 4. Asnavand m., Bd. 12, 2, (26 ;) 17, 7;
Zs. 11, 9. Asparôg m., Bd. 12, 29, 36. . Asparum nask, si. 10, 21n. See
Hasparam. Aspengargâk, demon, Bd. 7, 12; 28,
39. See Spêngargâk. Aspikân, Bd. 32, in. Aspiyân, Bd. 31, 4, 7, 8. Assaults, Si. 1, in, an. Assyrians, Int. 12, 13; Byt. 3, 5. Åstâd, angel, Bd. 27, 34; Byt. 2,
59n; 8, 32; Sl. 17, 4, 5n; 22,
26; 23, 4. - yast, Byt. 1, 6. Astaothwanem hâ, SI, 18, 1. Astarâbâd, town, Bd. 12, 32 n. Astô-vidad, demon, Bd. 3, 21, 22;
28, 35; Zs. 4, 4. Åstuyê hâ, Si. 13, 1. Asûrik, man, Bd. 31, 19. Asûristân, land, Bd. 31, 39; Byt.
3, 5. Åsvast lake, Bd. 22, 1, 7. Asvini, lun, man., Bd. 2, 3 n. Åtaremka ch., Si. 18, 26. Atarô, angel, Bd. 27, 24; SI. 22, 9;
23, 2; day, Bd. 25, 11. - Adharmazd, com., Si. 1, 3. - bôndak, man, Bd. 33, 1. - dâd, man, Bd. 33, 3. - fróbâg, man, Byt. 1, 7; SI. 1, 3 n. -- nôsâî, com., Si. 1, 3. - Mitro, man, Byt. 1, 7. - pâd, man, Byt. 1, 7. -- i Dâd-farukh, com., Sl. 1, 4n. - - i Mâraspendân, priest, Bd. 33,
3, 11; Byt. 1, in; 8, 18; Si.
8, 23; 10, 28 n, 40; 15, 16. -- i Zaratůstan, priest, Zs. 1, 19n;
Sl. 8, (10.) - pâtakân, land, Bd. 12, 26; 20,
13 n, 23, 25; 22, 2; 29, 12;
Zs. 11, 9; Byt. 1, 7. -tarsah, man, Bd. 31, 29. Atas nyayis, Si. 7, 4n; 80, in. - i Váhram, see Vâhrâm fire. Athrat, man, Bd. 31, 27; Sl. 88,
3an. Athwya, man, Bd. 31, 4n. Atonement for sin, Si. 8, in, 4n, 13,
15, 16, 19, 20, 23. Atrat, man, Bd. 31, 27 n. Adharmazd, Zs, 8, 10; Byt. 8, 64;
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