CHAPTER II, 105-116.
and even while it is not digested it shall die, it is liable just like a leathern bag (an bân) in which is dead matter.
112. Gold, when dead matter comes upon it, is to be once thoroughly washed with bull's urine (gômêz), to be once made quite dry with dust, and to be once thoroughly washed with water, and it is clean'. 113. Silver is to be twice thoroughly washed with bull's urine, and to be made quite dry with dust, and is to be twice thoroughly washed with water, and it is clean? 114. And iron, in like manner, three times, steel four times, and stone six times S. 115. Afarg said: 'Should it be quicksilver (auginak) * it is liable just like gold, and amber (kahru pål) just like stone, and all jewels just like iron.' 116. The pearl (mūrvârid)', amber, the
The purification here detailed is prescribed for golden vessels in Vend. VII, 186.
• This is the purification prescribed for silver vessels in Vend. VII, 24 W.; it is found in the Vendidad Sadah, but is omitted (evidently by mistake) in the Vendidad with Pahlavi translation, and has, therefore, been omitted in Spiegel's edition of the texts. By this accidental omission in the MSS. silver is connected with the purification for stone (see $ 114).
s See Vend. VII, 75 W., much of which is omitted in the Vendidad with Pahlavi translation, and in Spiegel's edition (see the preceding note), the sixfold washing of stone being erroneously applied to silver (see Vend. VII, 187 Sp.), owing to this omission of the intervening text. It appears from this section that the Av. ha o safna, which has usually been translated as 'copper,' was understood to be pâlâ vd, steel,' by the Pahlavi translators.
• Or a mirror' (Pers. âbgînah), but the word is evidently used for a metal in SZS. X, 2, and very likely here also.
Most of the substances mentioned in $$ 115, 116 are detailed in Pahl. Vend. VII, 188, where it is stated that 'as to the pearl there have been different opinions, some say that it is liable just like gold, some say that it is just like the other jewels, and some say that there is no washing for it.'
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