for the size of the body as far as the water; in the length of a year it will become clean along with the ground. 20. A built bridge is liable just like a terrace roof. 21. When one shall die on the terrace roof of a trellised apartment (varam), that is also liable just like a terrace roof. 22. When he shall die in a trellised apartment, when one of his limbs, or a hair, does not remain on the borders (para kân), it does not convey the pollution down, but when any of him remains behind it conveys it down; it is allowable when they dig it up!, and one also spreads it again afterwards, and it is clean.
23. When one shall die by strangulation and a rope in a crowd, when there is no fear of his falling down they should not carry him down ; and when there is a fear of his falling down, when that fear is as regards one side of him, they should carry him down on that side; and when he has fallen down they should carry him down in such place as he has fallen. 24. When one is seated upright and shall die, when there is fear of his falling on one side they should carry him down on that one side, and when there is fear on all four sides, then on all four sides; and when he has fallen down they should carry him down in such place as he has fallen?
25. And when one shall die on a tree, when its
1 That is, the floor of the apartment; which would probably be formed of earth beaten down, which, in India, is nearly always overspread with diluted cow-dung to hinder cracks in the smooth surface. A better class of floor is spread with lime plaster on a stony surface.
3 The object of these rules is evidently to avoid disturbing the corpse more than is absolutely necessary, provided there be no sear of its polluting more of the ground by falling upon it.
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