CHAPTER XII. 1. On the nature of mountains it says in revelation, that, at first, the mountains have grown forth in eighteen years; and Albarz ever grew till the completion of eight hundred years; two hundred years up to the star station (på yak), two hundred years to the moon station, two hundred years to the sun station, and two hundred years to the endless light? 2. While the other mountains have grown out of Albârz, in number 2244 mountains, and are Hagar the lofty ?, Têrak of Albarz, Kakâd-i-Daltik, and the Arezûr ridge, the Ausindôm mountain, Mount Apârsên which they say is the mountain of Pârs, Mount Zarid also which is Mount Mânus, Mount Afrak, Mount Kaf, Mount Vâdgês, Mount Aushdâ stâr, Mount Arezûr-bûm, Mount Rôyisnhômand, Mount Padashkhvârgar which is the greatest in Khvârth, the mountain which they call Kino, Mount Rêvand, Mount Dârspêt the Bakyir mountain, Mount Kabed-sikaft, Mount Siyâk-mdfmand, Mount Vafar-hômand, Mount Spendyâd and Kôndrâsp, Mount Asnavand and Kôndras, Mount
1 These are the four grades of the Mazdayasnian heaven.
In all the geographical details, mentioned in the Bundahis, there is a strange mixture of mythical tradition with actual fact. The author of the work finds names mentioned in the Avesta, by old writers of another country, and endeavours to identify them with places known to himself; much in the same way as attempts have been made to identify the geographical details of the garden of Eden. Most of the names of these mountains occur in the Zamyâd Yast, or in other parts of the Avesta, as will be noticed in detail further on. The number 2244 is also mentioned in $ 7 of that Yast. A very able commentary on this chapter will be found in Windischmann's Zoroastriche Studien, pp. 1-19.
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