seminal energy (tókhmih) of the ox. 2. Delivered to the moon station', that seed was thoroughly-purified by the light of the moon, fully prepared in every way, and produced life in a body. 3. Thence arose two oxen, one male and one female; and, afterwards, two hundred and eighty-two species of each kind became manifest upon the earth. 4. The dwelling (mânist) of the birds is in the air, and the fish are in the midst of the water.
CHAPTER XI. 1. On the nature of the earth it says in revelation, that there are thirty and three kinds : of land. 2. On the day when Tistar produced the rain, when its seas arose therefrom, the whole place, half taken up by water, was converted into seven portions ; this portion“, as much as one-half, is the middle, and six portions are around; those six portions are together as much as Khvaniras. 3. The name
1 See Chap. XIV, 3. In the Mâh Yt. 0, 7, blessings are invoked for the moon of ox lineage' (gaokithra) in conjunction with the sole-created ox and the ox of many species.' In the Avesta the gender of these two primeval oxen appears doubtful, owing probably to the dual gen. masc. of their epithets being of the same form as a sing. gen. fem.
? That is, of each sex. See Chap. XIV, 13, 27. In all three occurrences of this number K20 has 272, but all other MSS. have 282 (except M6 in this place only).
: K20b has 'thirty-two kinds.'
• That is, Khvanîras; or it may be 'one portion,' as hana, this,' is often used for aê, 'one,' because the Pâzand form of both words is e.
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