65. With all his strength and witchcraft, he could not escape from Astivihad.
66. Naêdha frakanem anhau zemô yad pathanayau skarenayau dūraepârayau.
Nor he who dug this wide, round earth, with extremities that lie afar, like Dahâk,
67. Who went from the East to the West, searching for immortality and did not find it.
68. With all his strength and power, he could not escape from Astivihâd.
69. Anyề angheus frashô-karethrau (Except the producers of the world of resurrection ?').
Thus until the author of the resurrection, Saoshyðs : until Saoshyôs comes, no one shall escape from Astivihad.
70. To every one comes the unseen, deceiving Astivihad,
71. Who accepts neither compliments, nor bribe, 72. Who is no respecter of persons, 73. And ruthlessly makes men perish.
74. And this glorious One : must go the way he never went,
75. See what he never saw,
76. And discuss with him whom no one can deceive or mislead.
77. Pairithwo bavaiti pantau yim dânus pâiti fra bunad takintis; hau did aêvô apairithwô, yo vayaos anamarezdikahệ :
The way may be traversed which is barred by
" No others will escape death:
* Thus shall it be till the days of Saoshyős (Saoshyant ; Vd. XIX, 5, note 4).
• This King, this man of power.
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