mouth or his tongue, he may come to grief thereby; if he come to grief thereby, the man who has done the deed becomes a Peshôtanu!
5 (16). “It is the third of these sins when a man smites a bitch big with young or affrights her by running after her, or shouting or clapping with the hands;
6 (18). 'If the bitch fall into a hole, or a well, or a precipice, or a river, or a canal, she may come to grief thereby; if she come to grief thereby, the man who has done the deed becomes a Peshôtanu ?.
7 (22). 'It is the fourth of these sins when a man: has intercourse with a woman who has the whites or sees the blood, the man that has done the deed becomes a Peshôtanu 8.
8(25). It is the fifth of these sins when a man has intercourse with a woman quick with child, whether the milk has already come to her breasts or has not yet come : she may come to grief thereby; if she come to grief thereby 5, the man who has done the deed becomes a Peshotanu.
"He who gives too hot food to a dog so as to burn his throat is margarzán (guilty of death); he who gives bones to a dog so as to tear his throat is margarzán (Gr. Rav. 639).
* If a bitch is big with young and a man shouts or throws stones at her, so that the whelps come to mischief and die, he is margarzân (Gr. Rav. 639).
* See Farg. XVI, 14 seq.
• When she has been pregnant for four months and ten days, as it is then that the child is formed and a soul is added to its body (Anquetil II, 563).
o Or better, 'if the child die.' 'If a man come to his wife (during her pregnancy] so that she is injured and bring forth a still-born child, he is margarzân' (Old Rav. 115 b).
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