XLV, 2-13.
earth are signs to those who believe; and in your creation and the beasts that are spread abroad are signs to a people who are sure ; and in the alternation of night and day, and the provision that God has sent down from heaven and quickened thereby the earth after its death, and in the veering of the winds are signs unto a people who have sense.
[5] These are the signs of God which we recite to thee in truth; and in what new story after God and His signs will they believe ?
Woe to every sinful liar who hears God's signs sent to him, then persists in being big with pride as though he heard them not-so give him the glad tidings of grievous woe—and when he knows something of our signs takes them for a jest! These,- for them is shameful woe, behind them is hell, and what they have earned shall not avail them aught, nor what they have taken besides God for patrons; and for them is mighty woe.
[10] This is a guidance, and those who misbelieve in the signs of their Lord, for them is torment of a grievous plague.
God it is who subjects to you the sea that the ships may sail thereon at his bidding, and that ye may crave of His grace, and that haply ye may give thanks; and He has subjected to you what is in the heavens and what is in the earth,—all from Him; verily, in that are signs unto a people who reflect
Say to those who believe that they pardon those who hope not for God's days ", that He may reward a people for that which they have earned.
1 That is, the successful battles against the infidels, battles' being always spoken of by the ancient Arabs as 'days.'
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