smell, which belongs to the earth, be understood to be of ten descriptions. Sound, touch, and colour likewise, and taste, are stated to be the qualities of water. I will now give (some) information about taste. Taste is stated to be of numerous descrip tions. Sweet", sour, bitter, sharp, astringent, and saltish likewise—thus are the forms of taste, which is a development of water, said to be of six descrip tions. Sound, touch, and likewise colour; thus is light said to have three qualities. The quality of light is colour, and colour is stated to be of numerous descriptions. White, black, red likewise, green, yellow, and grey likewise, short, long, narrow, broad, square, and circular-thus is the colour of light said to be of twelve forms. It should be understood 3 by aged Brâhmanas, who speak the truth, and are conversant with piety. Sound and touch also should be understood; air is said to have (these two qualities. And touch is the quality of air, and touch is stated to be of numerous descriptions. Rough, cold and hot likewise, tender and clear also, hard, glutinous, smooth, slippery, hurtful, and soft
- thus the quality of air is properly said by Brahmanas who have reached perfection, who are con versant with piety and perceive the truth, to be of twelve descriptions. Now space has one quality: liquid ghee, rough of the oil of mustard, and clear as of cooked rice The Sânti Parvan passage omits 'sour.
Cf. Giu, p. 118. Literally, lean and fat. These are rather unusual qual.les to attribute to colour. The Sånti Parvan passage gives more.
• Sic. Does it mean it is understood?' Cl. Pånini III, 3, 113.
• Tender=like the touch of a son, &c.; clear=like that of an excellent cloth, Nilakantha; glutinous = like that of oil; smooth= like that of a gem; slippery=not really smooth, but appearing to be such, like that of saliva (?), Arguna Misia. The enumerativn of these in the Sanu Parvan loc. cit. is again different.
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