from the svâhà ceremony!, who is unmoving, and homeless?, is the Kshetragña, he is the Supreme Lord.
Brahman said: I will state truly all about that which has a beo ginning, middle, and endo, and about the means for its comprehension, together with names and characteristics. It is stated that day was first and then night; that months have the bright" first, the Nakshatras Sravana" as the first (among them), and the seasons the winter as the first (among them). The earth is the source of smells, water of tastes, the light (of) the sun is the source of colours, the wind is stated to be the source of (the feelings of) touch; likewise space is the source of sound. These are the qualities of the elements. Now I shall proceed to state the highest and first of all entities. The sun is
See p. 324 supra. * See Gîlâ, p. 101. Unmoving probably means 'not perturbed by the qualities' (Gîtâ, p. 110), or perhaps the same thing as of steady mind' at Gità, p. 101. The sense is pretty much the same in both places.
Which has birth &c., Nilakantha, i.e. all the creation, I presume. • The names, that is to say, of the various elements, and their qualities.
This must mean fortnights. • This is specified, says Arguna Misra, as the six months of ube northern solstice are caused by the sun being at this Nakshatra. As to those six months, cf. Gitá, p. 81. For the same reason, Arguna Misra adds, the winter season is mentioned as the best.
• The word adi, literally beginning, is used in the whole of this passage in different senses; it means the source, it means the best, and it means the first in order.
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