the essence of water, is always comprehended by the tongue. And the moon likewise, who resides in the tongue, is appointed to the knowledge of taste. The quality of light is colour, and that is comprehended by the eye; and the sun residing in the eye is appointed always to the knowledge of colour. The (sensation of) touch, belonging to the air, is perceived by the skin, and the wind' residing in the skin is always appointed to the knowledge of (the objects) of touch. The quality of space is sound, and that is comprehended by the ear. And all the quarters residing in the ear are celebrated as (being appointed) to the knowledge of sound. Thought is the quality of mind, and that is comprehended by the understanding. The supporter of consciousness residing in the heart is appointed to the knowledge of mind'. The understanding (is comprehended in the form of) determination, and the Mahatof knowledge. To (this) positive comprehension, the unperceived' (is appointed), there is no doubt of that. The Kshe tragña, which is in its essence devoid of qualities and eternal, is not to be comprehended by any
"This cannot be the presiding deity here, though one expects such deity to be mentioned; see p. 337 supra.
The text of more than one of the lines here is rather doubtful; we follow Nilakantha, who takes this to mean the giva, the individual soul. Cf. p. 239, note a supra.
"1. e. thought, as Nilakantha points out.
• Mahat is properly the same as buddhi, understanding, but us it is here mentioned separately, I suppose, it signifies Abankara Nilakantha takes its operation, here called knowledge, to mean
the feeling I am,' which agrees with our interpretation, for which some support is also to be derived from p. 333 supra.
" I here follow Arguna Misra, though somewhat diffidently. The knowledge this is I,' and the knowledge 'this is so and so and nothing else' is presided over by the unperceived-the Prakriti.
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