when thus spoken to by the sages, I will state to you. Listen (to that) O pupil !
Brahman said: From the truth were the entities movable and immovable produced. They live by penance! Understand that, O you of excellent vows! By their own action they remain transcending their own source! For the truth joined with the qualities is invariably of five varieties. The Brahman' is the truth; penance is the truth; Pragåpati also is truth; the entities are born from the truth; the universe consisting of (all) creatures is the truth. Therefore Brahmanas whose final goal is always concentration of mind, from whom anger and vexation have departed, and who are invariably devoting themselves to piety, are full of the truth. I will speak about those (Brahmanas) who are restrained by one another“, who are possessed of knowledge, who are the establishers of the bridge of piety, and who are the constant creators of the people. I will speak of the four (branches of) knowledge, and likewise of the castes, and of the four orders, distinctly. The wise always speak of piety as one, (but) having
' I.e. by action, Nilakantha. Cf. Mundaka, p. 280, and see p. 166 supra, note 1.
'l.e. they remain apart from the Brahman, being engaged in action. This answers some of the questions put by the pupil to the preceptor. As to the truth,' see p. 163, note a supra.
• I.e. Isvara, or god; penance=piety; Pragapati=the individual soul, Nilakantha. Brahman='that' (but how is 'that' joined with qualities ?'); Pragåpati=Brahman, Arguna Misra. They agree about penance and entitics (which they take to mean the gross elements) and creatures. Brahman and Pragapati=Virág and Hiranyagarbba(), p. 186 supra. Cf. Sånti Parvan (Moksha), chap. 190, sl. 1.
• I.e. who commit no breach of piety through fear of one another, Nilakantha.
. Cf. Gitá, p. 86.
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