to obtain heaps of wealth unfairly for enjoying objects of desire. This have I obtained to-day; this wish I will obtain ; this wealth is mine; and this also shall be mine; this foe I have killed ; others too I will destroy: I am lord, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect', strong, happy; I have wealth ; I am of noble birth; who else is like me? I will sacrifice”; I will make gifts ; I will rejoice.' Thus deluded by ignorance, tossed about by numerous thoughts, surrounded by the net of delusion, and attached to the enjoyment of objects of desire, they fall down into impure hell. Honoured (only) by themselves, void of humility, and full of the pride and frenzy of wealth, these calumniators (of the virtuous) perform sacrifices, which are sacrifices only in name, with ostentatiousness and against prescribed rules s; indulging (their) vanity, brute force, arrogance, lust, and anger; and hating me in their own bodies and in those of others. These enemies', ferocious, meanest of men, and unholy, I continually hurl down to these worlds”, only into demoniac wombs. Coming into demoniac wombs, deluded in every birth, they go down to the vilest state, O son of Kuntl! without ever coming to me. Threefold is this way to hell,
"Blessed with children, &c. Sridhara takes it to mean, one who has done all he need do,' and Râmânuga 'sufficient in himself.'
I.e. get higher renown for sacrifices than others. "That is, because of indulgence in vanity, &c. Vanity= believing oneself to have virtues which one has not; arrogance=proud disdain of others.
There is trouble to oneself in sacrifices and to the animals killed for them.
l.e. of God. • The commentators render the original here by the paths of lite and death,' or 'path to hell.'
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