Ertracts from Opinions.
“The large collection of varied information which you have appended to the OXFORD BIBLE FOR TEACHERS, in a form so readily available for reference, has evidently been compiled with the greatest care; and the testiniony which you have received to its accuracy is a guarantee of its high value. I cannot doubt that the volume, in its various forms, will be of great service."-THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY.
"The notion of including in one volume all the helps that & clergyman or teacher would be likely to want for the study of the Bible has never been realised before with the same success that you have attained in the OxFORD BIBLE FOR TEACHERS. In the small edition (Ruby 16mo, thin), by the use of paper very skilfully adapted to the purpose, there is a Bible with an Atlas, a Concordance, an Index, and several Tractates on various points of Biblical antiquity, the whole, in a very solid binding, weighing a pound and an ounce: no great weight for what is really a miniature library. The clergy will probably give the preference to the larger book, marked No. 4. This includes the Apocrypha, with all the helps to the use of the Bible that distinguish the series. Its type is excellent. Many clergymen are obliged to write sermons when travelling from place to place. This volume would serve as a small library for that purpose, and not too large for the most moderate portmanteau. I think that this work in some of its forms should be in the hands of every teacher. The atlas is very clear and well printed. The explanatory work and the indices, so far as I have been able to examine them, are very carefully done. I am glad that my own University has, by the preparation of this series of books, taken a new step for the promotion of the careful study of the Word of God. That such will be the effect of the publication I cannot doubt."-THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK.
"It would be difficult, I think, to provide for Sunday School Teachers, or indeed for other students of the Bible, so much valuable information in so convenient a form as is now comprised in the OXFORD BIBLE FOR TEACHERS."-THE BISHOP OF LONDON.
« The idea of a series of Bibles in different types, corresponding page for page with one another, is one which the Dean has long wished to see realised for the sake of those who find the type of their familiar copies no longer available .... The amount of information com. pressed into the comparatively few pages of the Appendix is wonderful. And the Dean is glad to hear that the help of such eminent contributors has been available for its compilation. The Concordance seems to be sufficiently full for reference to any text that may be required."-THE DEAN OF ROCHESTER
"Having by frequent use made myself acquainted with this edition of the Holy Scriptures, I have no hesitation in saying that it is a most valuable book, and that the ex. planatory matter collected in the various appendices cannot but prove most helpful, both to teachers and learners, in acquiring a more accurate and extensive knowledge of the Word of God."-THR BISHOP OF LICHFIELD.
"I have examined the OXFORD BIBLE FOR TEACHERS with very great care, and congratulate you upon the publication of so valuable a work. It contains within a reasonable compass a large mass of most useful information, arranged so conveniently as to be easily accessible, and its effect will be not merely to aid, but also, I think, to stimulate the studies of the reader. The book is also printed so beautifully, and is so handsome in every way, that I expect it will be greatly sought after, as a most acceptable present to any who are engaged in teaching in our Sunday Schools and elsewhere."-TH DEAN OP CANTHRBURY.
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