25. (By performing it under the constellation) Âpya (or Parvâshâdhâs he procures) success in sea-voyages.
26. (By performing it under the constellation) Vaisvadeva (or Uttarâshâdhâs he enjoys) all his desires.
27. (By performing it under the constellation) Abhigit (he procures) superiority.
28. (By performing it under the constellation) Sravana (he enjoys) all his desires.
29. (By performing it under the constellation) Vasava (or Dhanishthâs he procures success in preparing) salt!
30. (By performing it under the constellation) Vâruna (or Satabhishâ he obtains) freedom from disease.
31. (By performing it under the constellation) Âga (or Parvabhadrapada he obtains) copper vessels.
32. (By performing it under the constellation) Åhirbudhnya (or Uttarabhâdra pada he obtains) a house.
33. (By performing it under the constellation) Paushna (or Revati he acquires) cows.
34. (By performing it under the constellation) Åsvina (or Asvint he obtains) a horse.
35. (By performing it under the constellation) Yâmya (or Bharani he procures) longevity.
36. (By offering it) on the first day of a lunar fortnight (he procures) a house and handsome wives.
29. Lavanam means either salt' or 'beauty' or 'medicinal herbs and fruits.' (Nand.)
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