1. On women equal in caste (to their husbands) sons are begotten, who are equal in caste (to their fathers).
2. On women of lower caste than their husbands sons are begotten, who follow the caste of their mothers.
XVI, 1.
3. On women of higher caste than their husbands sons are begotten, who are despised by the twiceborn.
4. Among these, the son of a Sûdra with a Vaisya woman is called Âyogava.
5. The Pukkasa and Magadha are sons of a Vaisya and Sûdra respectively with a Kshatriya
6. The Kandâla, Vaidehaka, and Sûta are the sons of a Sûdra, Vaisya, and Kshatriya respectively with a Brahmana woman.
7. Besides these, there are innumerable other mixed castes produced by further intermixture between those that have been mentioned.
8. Âyogavas must live by artistic performances (such as public wrestling, dancing, and the like). 9. Pukkasas must live by hunting.
10. Mâgadhas must live by calling out in public the good qualities (of saleable commodities).
II. Kandâlas must live by executing criminals sentenced to death.
XVI. 1. M. X, 5; Y. I, 90; Âpast. II, 6, 13, 1. — II, 12; Y. I, 93, 94; Gaut. IV, 17. — 7. M. X, 31. — X, 47-53. 17. M. X, 57. 18. M. X, 62. 10. According to Manu (X, traffic.
4-6. M. X, 8-15. M.
47) the Mâgadhas are to live by
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