VIII, 36.
22. A Vaisya he must address thus, Thy kine, grain, and gold (shall yield thee no fruit, if thou wert to give false evidence).'
23. A Sûdra he must address thus, 'Thou shalt have to atone for all (possible) heavy crimes (if thou wert to give false evidence).'
24. Let him exhort the witnesses (with the following speeches):
25. Whatever places (of torture) await (the killer of a Brahmana and other) great criminals and (the killer of a cow and other) minor offenders, those places of abode are ordained for a witness who gives false evidence;
26. And the fruit of every virtuous act he has done, from the day of his birth to his dying day, shall be lost to him.
'Truth makes the sun spread his rays.
Truth makes the moon shine.
Truth makes the wind blow.
30. Truth makes the earth bear (all that is upon it).
Truth makes waters flow.
Truth makes the fire burn.
34. So do the gods.
The atmosphere exists through truth.
And so do the offerings.
If veracity and a thousand horse-sacrifices
22, 23. Nand.'s interpretation of these two Sûtras, which has been followed above, does not agree with Kulluka's, of M. VIII, 88. But in another passage of Manu (VIII, 113), where the same terms recur, he interprets them like Nand.
36. This Sloka is also found in the Mahâbhârata I, 3095 &c., in the Mârkandeya-purâna VIII, 42, in the Hitopadesa IV, 129, and, in a somewhat modified form, in the Râmâyana II, 61, 10. See Böhtlingk, Ind. Sprüche, 731 &c.
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