V, 78.
78. He who has stolen a goat, or a sheep, (shall have) one hand (cut off).
79. He who steals grain (of those sorts which grow in the rainy season), shall pay eleven times its value as a fine;
80. Likewise, he who steals grain (of those sorts, which grow in winter and spring, such as rice and barley).
81. A stealer of gold, silver, or clothes, at a value of more than fifty Mâshas, shall lose both hands.
82. He who steals a less amount than that, shall pay eleven times its value as a fine.
83. A stealer of thread, cotton, cow-dung, sugar, sour milk, milk, butter-milk, grass, salt, clay, ashes, birds, fish, clarified butter, oil, meat, honey, basketwork, canes of bamboo, earthenware, or iron pots, shall pay three times their value as a fine.
84. (The same fine is ordained for stealing) dressed food.
85. For stealing flowers, green (grain), shrubs, creepers, climbing plants or leaves, (he shall pay) five Krishnalas.
86. For stealing pot-herbs, roots, or fruits (the same punishment is ordained).
87. He who steals gems, (shall pay) the highest amercement.
88. He who steals anything not mentioned above, (shall make good) its value (to the owner).
89. Thieves shall be compelled to restore all stolen goods to the owners.
90. After that, they shall suffer the punishment that has been ordained for them.
91. He who does not make way for one for
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