have them delivered to him; let him who desires a wife receive and wed her; let him who desires knowledge be taught the holy word,
45 (123). during the first part of the day and the last, during the first part of the night and the last, that his mind may be increased in intelligence and wax strong in holiness. So shall he sit up, in devotion and prayers, that he may be increased in intelligence he shall rest during the middle part of the day, during the middle part of the night', and thus shall he continue until he can say all the words which former Aêthrapaitis 2 have said.
IV a.
46 (128). Before the boiling water publicly prepared, O Spitama Zarathustra! let no one make bold to deny having received [from his neighbour] the ox or the garment in his possession.
III b.
47 (130). Verily I say it unto thee, O Spitama Zarathustra! the man who has a wife is far above him who lives in continence"; he who keeps a house is far above him who has none; he who has
1 He sleeps 'the third part of the day and the third part of the night' (Yasna LXII, 5).
A teaching priest (Parsi Hêrbad).
'This clause is intended against false oaths taken in the so-called Var-ordeal (see § 54 n.) It ought to be placed before § 49 bis, where the penalty for a false oath is given.
* §§ 47-49 are a sort of commentary to the beginning of § 44.
What king Yazdgard found most offensive in Christianity was 'that the Christians praise death and despise life, set no value upon fecundity and extol sterility, so that if their disciples would listen to
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