Characteristics of Truth Seekers
his true nature. As the perception becomes purer, he realizes that the deluded behavior is not his nature. Some delusion may prevail on account of the previous Karma, but he tries to overcome the same vigilantly and by repeatedly pondering over the nature of soul. Eventually he succeeds in overcoming the behavior-related delusion also. Therefore the stanza states that the delusion is destroyed by virtue of enlightenment. Thereby one reaches the delusion-free state. The remaining obscuring and obstructing Karmas are destroyed at that stage and one attains the state of omniscience. That state continues to prevail in that lifetime. At the end he rises to the state of liberation, which is termed here as Nirvän.
ઊપજે તે સુવિચારણા, મોક્ષમાર્ગ સમજાય; ગુરુશિષ્યસંવાદથી, ભાખું ષપદ આંહી.
Upaje Te Suvichäranä, Mokshamärga Samajäy; Gurushishya Samvadathi, Bhäkhun Shatpad Änhi
The path of liberation can be comprehended with the emergence of right thinking; the six Fundamentals relating to that path are laid hereunder in the form of dialogue between the preceptor and the pupil. (42)
Explanation & Discussion: This is the concluding stanza of this chapter. The reader might have noticed that all the phases of spiritual pursuit have been briefly described in this chapter. Emergence of right thinking is the most crucial phase. Its importance has been stressed by Shrimad (Vachanamrut # 569) in the following words.
“Self-realization is the only way to get rid of all types