viewpoints. The truth thus lies in combination of absolute (Nishchay Naya) and practical (Vyavhär Naya) points of view. That is Anekäntväd, or multiplicity of viewpoints. It gives due importance to partial truth and constitutes the Jain theory of relativity. Resorting to only one viewpoint is Ekänt, which leads to an illusory conclusion. Such one-sided viewpoint cannot be true, nor can it lead to truth. This stanza therefore states that those, who exclusively insist on Nishchay Naya, are Ekänti. They are far from the truth and cannot be considered as treading on the right path.
નહિ કષાય ઉપશાંતતા, નહિ અંતર વૈરાગ્ય; સરળપણું ન મધ્યસ્થતા, એ મતાર્થી દુર્ભાગ્ય.
Nahi Kashäy Upashäntatä, Nahi Antar Vairagya; Saralpanun Na Madhyasthatä, E Matärthi Durbhagya. 1132||
Unfortunate is the sectarian, who has not calmed down the passions, does not have inner detachment, and is neither straightforward nor impartial. (32)
Explanation & Discussion: The spiritual level of an aspirant is governed by the presence of certain attributes, which a sectarian does not have. In order to avoid the sectarian approach one should know those attributes. This stanza describes four principal attributes, which a spiritual aspirant must hold and which a sectarian does not possess.
The first is pacification or calming down of defilement. Anger, ego, deception, and greed are the main defiling instincts that need to be calmed down; but a sectarian does not heed to that aspect on account of insistence on