tendencies and resort to restraints and austerities for overcoming the same. If that aspect is not kept in view, the wrong tendencies would continue to prevail simultaneously with observance of restraints and austerities. In that case the observance would not serve any purpose. Restraining the wrong tendencies is therefore considered essential in spiritual pursuit.
Tattvärtha Sutra (VIII-13) states: “Nihshalyo Vrati.” It means that restraints are meant for those who are free from faults. The scriptures mention deception, wrong perception and expectation of worldly reward as three faults that hurt the most and hence need to be overcome. Those faults are indicative of one's wrong tendencies. But a sectarian does not look at his wrong tendencies and remains proud that he has been observing restraints and austerities. He does not recognize that the main purpose of observing the restraints is to gain equanimity. As a matter of fact, that is the objective of all spiritual pursuits. Observance of restraints and austerities without being aware of that purpose constitutes lifeless rituality.
Being ignorant of that purpose a sectarian would feel elated that he has been observing restraints and austerities. As people know about his observance, they consider him highly religious and extend their regard and esteem to him. He too feels happy to get such esteem and stays satisfied with it. If he comes across a true Guru, he would not adopt his teaching. He would feel that if he gives up the traditional approach, he would lose the respect and esteem that he has gained. For the sake of maintaining his ego he thus leaves aside the true nature of soul; he abandons the very objective of observing the restraints and austerities.