Characteristics of Sectarians
In the case of direct access to a true Guru he turns about his face and reaffirms his faith in the wrong guru mostly for the sake of his ego. (26)
Explanation & Discussion: This stanza deals with the misplaced faith of a sectarian in wrong guru. He has cultivated firm faith in his guru and feels sure that the path of liberation lies in the way his guru says. As such, he is not receptive to any other way. If he comes across a true Guru, that Guru would obviously urge him to give up the wrong notions and prejudices that he might have formed.
The sectarian would be scared to hear it and would turn his face away. He would think that what the true Guru says is wrong and is not in the interest of his well being. He would then go to his traditional guru and display how much he respects and how staunchly he follows the traditional aspects. That also helps in preserving his ego, because his guru would feel pleased with his sense of devotion and would praise him for being a true follower. He would thus get esteem for his faith in the traditional approach.
દેવાદિ ગતિ ભંગમાં, જે સમજે શ્રુતજ્ઞાન; માને નિજ મત વેષનો, આગ્રહ મુક્તિનિદાન.
Devädi Gati Bhangamän, Je Samaje Shrutjnän; Mäne Nij Mat Veshano, Agrah Mukti Nidän.
He takes the classification of heavenly and other states of existence as scriptural knowledge and believes that insisting on his views and on his sectarian attire will lead to liberation. (27)