before the preceptor, does not forsake the importance of reverence and continues to revere the preceptor, under whose guidance he pursued the spiritual path and attained the omniscient state.
એવો માર્ગ વિનય તણો, ભાખ્યો શ્રી વીતરાગ; મૂળ હેતુ એ માર્ગનો, સમજે કોઈ સુભાગ્ય.
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Evo Märga Vinay Tano, Bhäkhyo Shri Viträg; Mool Hetu E Märgano, Samaje Koi Subhägya.
The holy Lords have stated such a path of reverence; only a few fortunate can understand the real significance of that path. (20)
Explanation & Discussion: Reverence plays a vital role in spiritual pursuit. Its importance has been emphasized by the omniscient Lords in their sermons and is retained in the scriptures. Unfortunately very few people realize that importance. They therefore tend to behave irreverently, which leads to prolongation of the worldly life; they have to continue the transmigration. Shrimad therefore states here that those few, who understand the importance of reverence, are lucky. The word used for the purpose is Subhägya, which means fortunate. But it also relates to the name of Saubhägyabhäi under whose request Shrimad has written this Atmasiddhi Shästra.
અસદ્દગુરુ એ વિનયનો, લાભ લહે જો કાંઈ; મહામોહનીય કર્મથી, બૂડે ભવજળ માંહી.
Asadguru E Vinayano, Läbh Lahe Jo Känyi; Mahamohaniya Karmathi, Boode Bhavajal Mänhi.