the path of liberation. The scriptural texts simply describe the path; but the essence of the path is at the heart of a Guru, who has treaded on that path. A knowledgeable and enlightened Guru can figure out if the aspirant happens to go astray and bring him back to the right path. It is therefore said that the secret of soul's liberation lies at the heart of a live Guru. Unless one is convinced of it, he would not be able to conceive of the true nature of soul.
સદ્ગુરુના ઉપદેશ વણ, સમજાય ન જિનરૂપ; સમજ્યા વણ ઉપકાર શો? સમયે જિનસ્વરૂપ.
Sadgurunä Upadesh Van, Samajäy Na Jin Roop; Samajyä Van Upakär Sho? Samajye Jin Swaroop.
The omniscient state cannot be understood unless explained by a true Guru. Without understanding there is no benefit; and understanding leads to omniscience. (12)
Explanation & Discussion: What has been said in the previous stanza is made more explicit in this stanza. It states that the aspirants cannot grasp of their own accord the true nature of the omniscient state. The worldly soul has always identified itself with the body and its relations. How can it comprehend the bodiless state of liberated souls or the state of the omniscient Lords? Though being embodied, the omniscient Lords stay beyond the bodily sense. It is very difficult to comprehend the state of those Lords, unless it is explained by an enlightened Guru. The following verse of the saint Kabir is relevant in this respect.
Guru Gobind Dono Khade, Kisko Lägun Päy? Balihäri Gurudevki, Jinhe Gobind Diyo Batäy.