few fascinating objects or situations may appear in a dream and the dreamer may even enjoy the same. But dreams are not true and they disappear at the instant of awaking. As the dreaming person wakes up, he realizes that he was simply having a dream; the fanciful situations visualized during the dream had no reality. Similarly all the worldly situations look ephemeral and unrealistic to the enlightened persons.
Identification and attachment that the worldly soul feels with the body and other environments is thus illusory and arises out of its ignorance and unawareness of the self. The enlightened person considers all the worldly situations dreamlike, and therefore does not attach importance to any of them. Since it is not possible to get the truth without overcoming the illusion, only those who set aside the illusion of the dreaming state can be considered enlightened. The so-called enlightened persons, who do not satisfy this criterion, can be treated as merely verbally knowledgeable.
રોપાણા આઈ . હા , U12, alles uiari, ni gila zida.
Sthanak Pånch Viehanne, Chhatthe Varte weh; Päme Stianak Panchmun, Eman Naht Sandeh.
Pondering over the five stages (Fundamentals), if one acts as stated in the sixth, he would undoubtedly attain the fifth stage. (141)
Explanation & Discussion: Of the six Fundamentals, the first five have to be properly understood and the last is required to be put in practice. This stanza therefore states that if one truly comprehends