He, who verbally talks of knowledge but who internally stays attached, is the miserable one, who merely betrays the enlightened ones. (137)
Explanation & Discussion: The position of a bare knowledgeable person is described here in a different perspective. Such a person has simply learnt about the blissful potential of soul, but has not done anything to manifest it. Had he realized it, his ego and attachment for worldly objects would have melted down. Instead of overcoming ego and attachment, the bare knowledgeable person would contend that attachment to worldly objects relates to the body and mind; soul has nothing to do with it. This displays his infatuation. He overlooks the fact that the lifeless body does not have any longing or desire; it is only by virtue of the souls presence that the body acts in a particular way. By thinking and talking about enlightenment without overcoming attachment and infatuation one actually works against the concept of enlightenment.
Since such a person is likely to continue indulging in wrong mode, it would create an adverse impression in the minds of others. They may also be led to think that his Guru might be like him. Thus his behavior becomes instrumental in casting aspersion on the Guru. Such a person thus happens to betray the image of the enlightened person.
C ar
EU, Ruile, maall, h), ze, ell, dejal: a la Hei ale lee, ala ze 21.
Daya, Shanti, Samata, Kshama, Satya, Tyás, Vairagya;
Hoy Mumuksliu Ghat Vishe, Eh Saday Sujagya.