There are 23 stanzas in this introductory chapter. Shrimad gives therein the vital factors of the composition such as: Mänglik, its purpose, characteristics of lifeless ritualists and of bare knowledgeable, importance of Guru in spiritual pursuit, characteristics of true Guru and guidance for the aspirants in absence of a Guru.
જે સ્વરૂપ સમજ્યા વિના, પામ્યો દુઃખ અનંત; સમજાવ્યું તે પદ નમું, શ્રી સદ્ગુરુ ભગવંત.
Je Swaroop Samajyä Vinä, Pämyo Dukh Anant;
Samajävyun Te Pad Namun, Shri Sadguru Bhagavant.
In absence of understanding the true nature of soul, I experienced endless suffering. I bow to the graceful Guru, who explained the true nature of soul. (1)
Explanation & Discussion: In Äryan tradition, a spiritual composition usually begins with presentation of four aspects: (1) Mänglik: prayer for blessings, (2) Sambandh: the context or the relation in which the composition is presented, (3) Abhidheya: the subject matter of the composition, and (4) Prayojan: the purpose of the composition. The first two are covered in this stanza. Mänglik consists in the form of paying homage to the graceful Guru and Sambandh in the form of Guru explaining to pupil. The remaining two aspects are left to the next stanza.
Since the time immemorial the worldly soul has been going through the cycle of birth and death. Its intention is to gain happiness, but actually it ends up in suffering. In spite of trying hard to mitigate that suffering, the soul fails in doing so, because it does not make out the true cause of