Now we come to the concluding part. The six Fundamentals have been explained to the full satisfaction of the pupil, but there are some vital aspects that might have escaped his attention. They are therefore brought out in the form of conclusion in the following stanzas. It would be noticed that most of the stanzas relate to something unique, worth remembering by heart. Some of them are worth displaying on walls as constant reminders.
દિશાના પણ સીખી ટી ર ની આવી મીની દલીલ lazd dzelzeil, cigu za sid.
* sona
Darsinan Shate Samáy Chhe à Shat Sthanak Manhi;
Vichartan Vistärathi, Sanshay Rahe Na Kanyi.
All six schools of thought are covered in these six stages (Fundamentals); no doubt will linger therein, when pondered at length. (128)
Explanation & Discussion: As it was pointed out in stanza 44, there are mainly six schools of thought and their gist is covered in these six Fundamentals. This may perhaps seem to be a tall claim, because various scholars belonging to those schools have produced voluminous literature that cannot be comprehended even during one's life time. Their viewpoints, however, revolve around the existence or non-existence of soul and almighty Creator. These six Fundamentals cover those aspects and conclusively show the existence of soul and non-existence of the almighty. If one contemplates over the same at length, he would realize that nothing more remains to be stated.
The information about the six schools was briefly given while explaining the above mentioned stanza 44. The