Pupil's Enlightenment
To the people in the West such a sense of subservience may appear rather unbecoming, but Indian culture is rapt with that. There are several cases when kings have offered even their kingdoms to their Gurus. King Kumärpäl had offered the kingdom of Gujarät to his Guru Hemchandrächärya; and Shivaji had offered his kingdom to Guru Samarth Swami Rämdäs. In both these cases the kings had taken their offerings back under the stipulation that they would reign in the interest of religion. The pupil surrenders everything at the holy feet of Guru, and resolves that his body, senses, mind, intellect, and everything else should prevail in accordance with the instructions and commands of the Guru. Since he does not want to waste any time for that purpose, he decides to put it into effect right away. In utmost sincerity and humbleness he thinks of and addresses the Guru as Prabhu (Lord).
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a dica ZHIUS Gus.7 4.
Shat Sthanak Samajāvine, Bhinna Bataw
Myan Thaki Tarvarvat E Upakar Amap
By explaining the six stages (Fundamentals) you have demonstrated the soul as distinct (from the body), like a sword from its sheath, and that obligation is immeasurable. (127)
Explanation & Discussion: The Guru has removed all the doubts of the pupil pertaining to soul, and has clearly shown the soul as distinct from the body. This is comparable to a sword and a sheath. When a sword is within its sheath, its separate existence from the sheath is not visible. Every one, however, knows that