Pupil's Enlightenment
આવી મણિી da ne
ની શું હમ સી સ્ટારમાં onilual, ed azadla
Shun Prabhu Charan Kane Dhanun? Atmathi Sau Heen,
Te To Prabhue Apiyo, Wartun Charanadhin.
Lord, what can I offer at your feet? Everything is trivial as compared to the soul. Even that has been bestowed by Your Lordship; let me act as directed by you. (125)
Explanation & Discussion: The Guru has given the instructions to the pupil out of innate compassion; he does not expect anything in return. But if one does something good to us, it is customary to reciprocate. This is normal courtesy. In ancient times, the pupils used to go to the preceptor’s hermitage for learning. At the end of the study they offered something to their Guru, which was known as Daxinä.
Here the pupil has gained self-realization by the teaching from Guru, and he feels that he should offer something in return. But he cannot think of anything that can be commensurate to the teaching of Guru. After realizing the significance of soul he has lost the importance of everything in the world. As such, he cannot conceive of any worldly object worth offering to the Guru.
As the pupil reflects over the soul, he realizes that it is unique; nothing is comparable to it. Since he realized the existence of soul by virtue of Guru's teaching, he feels as good as the soul having been granted by the Guru. That can, of course, not be returned; but he makes out that the Guru would feel happy, if he follows his precepts. To attach all possible importance to the soul, to consider everything