Namo Uvazzäyänam (Obeisance to the masters of scriptures) Namo Loe Savva Sähoonam (Obeisance to all the sages in the universe) Eso Panch Namokkäro, Savva Pävappanäsano; Mangalänam Cha Savvesim, Padhamam Havai Mangalam. (This fivefold obeisance is the eradicator of all sins and is the foremost among all blissful aspects.)
• Sahajätma Swarup Paramguru. (Abiding at ease in the Self Supreme Guru.)
• Mahä Divyähä Kukshiratnam, Shabdajit Ravätmajam; Räjachandramaham Vande, Tattvalochan Dayakam. (I bow to Shrimad Räjchandra, the master of words, the jewel born of the womb of mother Devbai, the son of Ravajibhäi and bestower of spiritual eyesight.)
• Ajnän Timirändhänäm, Jnänänjan Shalakaya; Chakshurunmilitam Yena, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. (I bow to the graceful Guru, who opened with the anointing stick of enlightenment, my eyes blinded by the darkness of ignorance.)