સ્કિીમમાં પીણલ્લી ગિણિી (ટકી ૨ની ફિલ્ફિી ફીિ સ્ફીરીની લીલીછીએપિી લ્હી
Vardhaman Samakit Thai, Tale Mithyabhas,
As the perception grows, the illusory perception comes to the end; with the advent of right conduct, one abides in totally detached state. (112)
Explanation & Discussion: From the time one gains right perception, he starts losing interest in worldly activities and tries to stay away from indulging in defiling instincts. As such, the bondage of Karma steadily continues to go down. The impact of the character-related delusive Karma is mainly experienced in the form of anger, ego, deception and greed. But there are varying levels of those Karmas. The most intense and grossest category is called Anantänubandhi (infinitely lasting), which is overcome at the time of initial right perception. As the soul's purity increases, one starts overcoming the less gross forms of that Karma. When one reaches the state described in the last stanza, he gains effective control over all of them except the very subtle one known as Sanjwalan. It can therefore be said that the aspirant has virtually overcome all defiling instincts.
Such a person is in a position to reach the stage that the worldly soul has never attained before. It is called Apoorvakaran, meaning the unprecedented stage. That stage has been described as under in stanza 13 of Apoorva Avasar (Unprecedented Occasion) (Vachanamrut # 738)