to make all possible efforts to overcome it. The way to overcome the same is given in the next stanza.
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ofસ્થા ઉભી શા - cr! ; se ne dazladı, 25 GujaM12.
Kama Mchaniya Bhed Be Darshan Chantra Näm;
Hane Bodh Vitarágta, Achock Upay Am
Deluding Karma is of two types, pertaining to perception and behavior; they can be destroyed by enlightenment and detachment; that is the unfailing remedy. (103)
Explanation & Discussion: The deluding Karma is of two types. One pertains to perception, which is termed as Darshan Mohaniya; the other pertains to practice which is termed as Charitra Mohaniya. It covers character and behavior. The perceptiondeluding Karma does not allow one to perceive correctly. Thereby he remains away from the right understanding. He cannot exercise the discernment to make out what is right and what is wrong. He thus stays stuck with wrong perception (Mithyätva), which is the root cause of the worldly wandering
That situation changes when one knows about the truth from a true Guru. For that purpose he should be eager to know the truth and be lucky to come across a true Guru. If he recognizes the worth of the Guru, he would develop reverence and respect for him. In that case he would listen to and ponder over what the Guru states. The light may thereby dawn upon him and he may realize that what he had been thinking till then was wrong.
Such realization leads him
to understand that he is