Similarly the worldly soul stays in illusion about itself. By its wrong perception and identification with the body, it considers itself as mortal and bereft of knowledge. Therefore it tries to gain knowledge from the external sources. Even those, who look for the soul, tend to identify it with the sense organs or with respiration etc. Only a few go ahead and endeavor for realizing the soul.
While undertaking meditation for that purpose if one happens to see a bright light or such other phenomena, he may think of having realized the soul. But such experiences generally occur out of fantasy. Those fantasies cannot lead to the true objective. One should therefore be careful and not be carried away by any of them. He should make every possible effort to stay away from all illusory impressions and try to realize the true properties of soul. To get awakened to the natural properties and to stay continually aware of it amounts to liberation. Therefore it is said here that the way, one realizes his true properties of everlastingness, consciousness, purity, etc. without any illusion, constitutes the path of liberation.
3Heia Esl2011, dui Hua, H18 લો ફી ની નીચ્છી શિણા લો !
Karma Anant Prakaman, Teman Mukhye Äth Teman Mukhye Mohaniya, Hanky Te Kahun Path.
Karmas are of infinite types, of these there are mainly eight; deluding Karma is the principal of them. Let me show how to destroy it. (102)
Explanation & Discussion: Every activity, whether it is physical, mental, or verbal, results in Karma. Since each activity has its own peculiarity,