He has written, “Ätmasiddhi is the essence of 14 Poorvas (the scriptures that had perhaps been in existence even before Lord Mahaveer's time). Gosaliä (Dungarshi Gosaliä) and I regularly read it and enjoy it very much. ... After reading it, one does not remain inclined to read anything else. ... It would have been hard for this body to survive, if you (Shrimad) had not sent Ätmasiddhi. I get delighted to read it and thereby I am able to survive. After reading Ätmasiddhi nothing remains to be asked. Everything becomes clear.”
Laghuräjswämi also was very pleased to get it. Since he was asked to read it alone, he used to go out of the residential area and read it in the wilderness. He has written, “By reading it and by reciting some of its stanzas my soul got elated. I felt that there is unique significance in every line of it. The regular study of Ätmasiddhi Shästra and its contemplation led to the internal peace. It stayed in my mind while talking with any one or while undertaking any other activity.” He noticed that its reading was helpful to every spiritual aspirant and after setting up Räjchandra Ashram at Agäs, he made its reciting a regular feature for the resident-aspirants.
The subject matter of Atmasiddhi Shästra is soul and it deals with soul's existence, everlastingness, acquisition of Karma, bearing the consequences, liberation and the way to attain the liberation. The subject has been carefully and adequately presented. Nothing worth has been left out. Every stanza is full of significance and some of them are the most precious jewels of spiritual realm. By composing Ätmasiddhi Shästra Shrimad has virtually contained the sea of spiritual science within the bowl of the book. Mahatma Gandhi was so much impressed that he had translated it into English. That translation was