Sixth Fundamental-Path and Means of Liberation
detachment towards the worldly phenomena, contemplates over the true nature of soul, and increasingly stays tuned to it. That leads to devotion towards the omniscient Lords as well as to the Guru. It is therefore said that knowledge, conviction, restraints, detachment, devotion, etc. constitute the path of liberation.
The Guru is aware that brief explanation would not serve the purpose; it may not be enough for the pupil to undertake the journey on the path of liberation. He may stumble somewhere on account of inadequacy of knowledge and understanding. The path of liberation is therefore described at length in the following 22 stanzas. These stanzas can be divided in three groups. The first group consists of 11 stanzas that explain the concept of liberation, types of Karma, and how the same can be overcome. The second group consists of subsequent six stanzas that stipulate the stages on the road to liberation. The remaining five stanzas mainly relate to the attainment of perfect purity.
uia taza ed, Hica (ad Heid; aal Hauad), 284 udla ald.
Panche Uttari Thai, Atma Vishe Pratit: Thashe Mokshopäwani, Salaj Pratit E Rit
As you are convinced at heart about the five replies, so will you be easily convinced of the means of liberation. (97)
Explanation & Discussion: From the questions of the pupil the Guru has figured out that the pupil has become impatient to understand the path of liberation. He therefore advises him to calm down. The real problem was at the stages of earlier