Sixth Doubt regarding Means of Liberation
Even if there be the state of liberation, there are no incontrovertible means. How can Karma, prevailing since infinity, be eradicated? (92)
Explanation & Discussion: It has been explained that the worldly soul has been living with the bondage of Karma since the infinity. The problem therefore arises, 'How can such a longstanding bondage be destroyed?' The pupil thinks that it may not be possible to destroy all of them within one lifetime. In that case no end can be seen to the bondage of Karma, because no one knows what type of life one would get the next time and who knows whether he would be able to continue the spiritual pursuit at that time?
Further, the worldly soul is conditioned to react favorably or unfavorably to the situations that it gets from time to time. Thereby it continues to acquire new bondage. The pupil therefore states that unless there is some incontrovertible way to eradicate that long-standing bondage and to overcome the conditioning of soul, it is not possible to gain liberation. Merely knowing about liberation would thus be of little avail.
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* Novo
Athava Mat Darshan Ghamän, Kalne Upay Anek
Teman Mat Sacho Kayo, Bane Na Eh Vivek
Or, multiple opinions and schools of thought stipulate the path in numerous ways; it is not possible to discern which one of them is right. (93)